
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Locust Grove bulletin for September 15, 2024 


September 15, 2024


Sunday School – 9:15 AM


Worship Gathering – 10:30 AM


Call to WorshipJoel Troyer

PraisePraise Team

Prayer – Matthew Yoder

Sermon – Matthew Yoder

   “Yes is Yes” – Matthew 5:33-37

Praise Praise Team

Benediction – Matthew Yoder



Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 PM – Pickleball at the church

Thursday, September 19, 5:15 PM – Praise Team practice


Offering & Attendance – 09/08/2024             Attendance – 129

General Fund - $1,315.00     Designations - $3,013.41



Food donations during September will go to the Salvation Army.

The Women's Mission & Service project for September is flat twin-size sheets for Mennonite Central Committee.  There will be no monthly WMS meeting in September. 

Results from the Blood Drive – Total number of products collected were 36.  Rides were given to 5 donors.  The next blood drive is November 4. 

The Mennonite Relief Sale in Goshen, Indiana is September 27-28.  There is a brochure on the back bulletin board with more details.  If you have any items to donate, talk to Christine Oswald.

If you or your child is attending college or trade school and would like to be included on the list of students to pray for, please let the church office know.

Women’s Fellowship – Join us Tuesday, October 15 at 6:00 PM for a fun night of Bingo!  Bring finger food to share and a wrapped prize.

It’s time to renew our subscription to “Our Daily Bread”.  If you would like to start or continue to receive this publication, please let the church office know.  Suggested donation is $10 and can be given through the offering.  Just mark your designation “Our Daily Bread”.

Rachel King has been hired as our media specialist.  This is a new part-time position.

A Women’s Bible Study on Psalms 1-30 will take place at the church Monday nights from October 7 through November 18, 6:30-8:00 PM.  Books are $10 and sign up can be done at locustgrove.church or on a Welcome Center kiosk.  If you have questions, see Audra Franz.

Mowing – Week of September 15 – Richard Hochstetler; Week of September 22 – Greg Blucker

Nursery September 15 – Rachel King & Isabella Yoder; September 22 – Abby Fellers & Phiona Jorgensen

Birthday Greetings go to:  September 24 – Janell Lederman, Reece Miller; September 25 – David Bontrager; September 26 – Jordan Key; September 28 – Pauline Hochstetler

Anniversary Greetings go to: There are no anniversaries September 23-29.                         

Youth Group (Middle & High School Youth) – Today, September 15, 5-6:30 PM – St. Joseph County Fair; September 22, 6-8:00 PM – Meet at the church; October 11-12 – Contact 24 – A free mini-Regen at Clinton Frame.  More details to come.

Youth Connection – HOME Sports Events – Gavan Miller – (Sturgis varsity football) 9/20 @7:00 PM; Carter Oswald – (Sturgis varsity tennis) 9/16 & 9/25 @4:00 PM; Madelyn & Lyza Oswald – (girls 8th & 7th grade volleyball at Sturgis Middle School) 9/25, 9/30 & 10/2 @5:00 PM


- With our marriages and families

- With our college students – Drew Litwiller (Ball State), Evan Litwiller (Taylor), EJ Miller (Western Michigan), Taner Patrick (Oakland), Brooke Troyer (Western Michigan)

- With the Sheshenia family from Ukraine – Vlad, Jane and daughters Valeriia, Margo & Sofiia.

- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry

- With Lew & Ruby Miller.  Their address is 27040 Chapin Lake Road, Sturgis, MI  49091.

- With our friends in Israel.

- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  John Blucker, Dave & Bertha Bontrager, Gary Large, Lew & Ruby Miller, Richard Oswald, Richard Tribble, Merle Yeager and Betty Yoder.

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