
Friday, April 07, 2017

Locust Grove bulletin for April 9, 2017 

April 9, 2017

Sunday School – 9:15 AM

Worship Gathering - 10:30 AM

We’re Glad You’re Here!
            Announcements – Cathy Fellers
            Call to Worship
            Offering Prayer/Offering
            Sharing/Prayer Concerns  - Bill Beck
            Congregational Prayer          
            Children’s Story – Sandy Dudley
            Praise & Worship – Praise Team
Hearing God’s Word
            Scripture: Mark 8:22-26
            Sermon - “Enough to be Dangerous”
            Praise & Worship

            Sending Song

Text Box: Welcome to Locust Grove!  We’re glad to have you join us for our time of worship together.  If you haven’t already attended, we would love to have you also join us for Sunday school next Sunday.  Sunday school is an important step in making further connections with a smaller group of people.   Ask for help if you have any questions or need more information about our church.

Text Box: Welcome to Locust Grove!  We’re glad to have you join us for our time of worship together.  If you haven’t already attended, we would love to have you also join us for Sunday school next Sunday.  Sunday school is an important step in making further connections with a smaller group of people.   Ask for help if you have any questions or need more information about our church.

Ushers/Greeters – The Krick and Miller Families
Text Box: Elders: Rich Oswald, chair; Greg Blucker, LeRoy Hochstetler, Bill Lederman, Brian Oswald
Email:  office@lgrove.org
Fax:  270-423-3673
Nursery Darin & Rachel King; April 16 – Candace Beck
Jail Service – Pilgrim Fellowship & Sturgis Missionary
Offerings & Attendance – 04/02/17 
Text Box: Ministers:  All who are part of this body
Lead Pastor:  Bill Beck, 503-3800 (cell),
 651-2313 (home), 
Secretary/Bookkeeper: Beth Miller
Church office hours: Tues-Thurs 9 AM-5 PM, Friday 9 AM-Noon. Closed Monday

      General Fund - $2,043.00              Attendance –141
      Designations – $ 65.25
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 6:00 PMCoffee & Canvas
Wednesday, Apr. 12, 6:30 PMElder Team meeting
Thursday, Apr. 13, 6:30 PMMaundy Thursday Service
Sunday, Apr. 16, 9:30 AMEaster Breakfast
Sunday, Apr. 23, 4-5:30 PMKid’s Club

The WMSC project for April is the Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline.
Women’s Fellowship is hosting a Coffee & Canvas led by Louanne Younts on Wednesday, Apr. 12 at 6:00 PM.  The cost is $10 per person.  Bring an apron or paint shirt.  The sign up sheet is in the fellowship hall.
We will be having a Maundy Thursday service on April 13 at 6:30 PM.  A light meal will be provided.  On Sunday, April 16 we will celebrate Easter with an Easter Breakfast at 9:30 AM.  Please bring your favorite breakfast dish to pass.  Drink and table service will be provided.  Come and enjoy the food and fellowship.  There will be no Sunday school classes that day.
The JYF will be hosting a Haystack Supper & Auction Fundraiser on Saturday, Apr. 22 at 5:00 PM in the church fellowship hall.  If you have items you’d like to contribute to the auction or if you have any questions, please see Kim or Justin Schwartz, Marcy Bontrager, or any of the JYFers.
Food donations during April will go to the Keystone Place.
Locust Grove will be hosting a Hymn Sing on Sunday, Apr. 30 at 6:00 PM.
There are leftover containers on the console by the library.  Please take any dishes home that are yours.  And if you need large plastic coffee cans, you can pick them up in the kitchen.  The Kitchen Committee
Each year the Mennonite Colleges offer students a grant that matches home congregation contributions dollar for dollar up to $1,000 per year ($500/semester).  The Life & Nurture Commission has decided to extend the contribution from Locust Grove to any student that is or plans to attend any Christian college. Some of those colleges may match contributions from home congregations and some may not.  If you are a high school senior or current college student and are planning to attend a Christian college for the school year 2017-18 please notify Gerri Schwartz by April 16, 2017.
MYF – Saturday, Apr. 15, 9-11:00 AMSpring cleanup at the church
JYF – April 22 – Fundraiser Meal & Auction.  More details to come.

Birthday Greetings go to:  Apr. 17 – Galen Eichorn; Apr. 18 – Jim Carpenter, Tim Beck, Trevor Miller; Apr. 19 – Florence Wickey, Teresa Owsley; Apr. 22 – Vivienne Eichorn; Apr. 23 – Chris Oswald, Cyndi Murray, Kinley Miller
Anniversary Greetings go to:  Apr. 23 – Mike & JoAnn Krick

- With our marriages and families
- With our college students – Jenna Beeker, Marty Diller, Sierra Eichorn, Cody Litwiller, Dylan Schwartz
- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry
- With the Youth Pastor Search Committee – Gerri Schwartz, Adam Fellers, Marilyn Schwartz, Brian E. Troyer, and Nickie Younts
- With the Conference Affiliation Committee – Bill Beck, Audra Franz, Darin King, Lew Miller, Ross Weber, and Ben Younts
- With Rick & Doris Bogen.  Their address is 22335 Roys Road, Centreville, MI  49032.  
- With our friends the Denlingers in Israel.     
- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  Evelyn Blucker, Erma Eash, Galen Eichorn, Bill Kerschner, Mary E. Miller, Martha Schwartz, Marv Schwartz, John Sies and Bill & Florence Wickey
;margin-bottom: 0in;margin-left:9.0pt;margin-bottom:.0001pt;tab-stops:333.0pt 337.5pt'>- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  Evelyn Blucker, Erma Eash, Galen Eichorn, Bill Kerschner, Mary E. Miller, Martha Schwartz, Marv Schwartz, John Sies and Bill & Florence Wickey 

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