
Thursday, June 06, 2024

Locust Grove bulletin for June 9, 2024 


June 9, 2024


Sunday School – 9:15 AM


Worship Gathering – 10:30 AM


Vote of Affirmation – Marilyn Schwartz

Call to WorshipPam Keeslar

PraisePraise Team

Sermon“Are There Many Ways to God?” -

   John 14:6 – Matthew Yoder

Praise Praise Team

         Benediction Matthew Yoder



Tuesday, June 11, 8 & 9:00 PM – Church League Softball, Diamond 1

Sunday, June 16, 10:30 AM – Dave Peterson to bring the message

Sunday, June 23, 10:30 AM – Garry & Ruth Denlinger

Sunday, June 23, Noon – Fellowship/Carry-In Meal


Offering & Attendance – 06/02/2024             Attendance – 153

General Fund - $4,065.00     Designations - $35.00




Food donations during June will go to Keystone Place.

The congregational vote of affirmation will be held today, June 9.

Just a reminder that if you would like a page in the church directory, you need to get your information to Rin Bontrager.

The Women's Mission & Service project for June is household items, not toiletry products for Keystone Place in Centreville.

Please return the baby bottles for Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline to Louellen Westover or place them on the mission counter in the fellowship hall.

We will have a church potluck following the morning service on June 23.

You are invited to a Graduation Party for Taner Patrick on Sunday, June 30 from 12-4:00 PM at Twin Gable Event Centre, Sturgis.

Job descriptions for Locust Grove church secretary are available from Bill Lederman.

“Thank you to all who helped with Billie’s funeral and before.  I appreciate it all very much!” – Khankeo Kerschner

The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be July 8.


Mowing – Week of June 9 – Richard Hochstetler; Week of June 16 – Greg Blucker

Nursery June 9 – Fellers Family; June 16 – Gerri Schwartz & Lyza Oswald

Birthday Greetings go to:  June 17 – Adam Fellers; June 18 – Carter Oswald; June 23 – Douglas Hasbrouck

Anniversary Greetings go to: June 18 – Dave & Karen Peterson; June 20 – Phil & Alesia Furney; June 21 – Greg & Brenda Blucker, Vlad & Jane Sheshenia


Youth Group (Middle & High School Youth) – Tonight, June 9, 6-8:00 PM at the church; June 16 – No Youth Group; June 23, 12:30-3:30 PM at Oswald’s lake cottage.


Youth ConnectionsHOME Sports Events – Aaron Barrington – (Baseball at Albers Road Field, Bronson) June 10 & 13 @5:30pm; Heidi Barrington – (Softball double headers at 5:30 PM) June 10 @ Athens.




- With our marriages and families

- With the Sheshenia family from Ukraine – Vlad, Jane and daughters Valeriia, Margo & Sofiia.

- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry

- With Khankeo Kerschner.  Her address is 22024 Banker Street Road, Centreville, MI  49032. 

- With our friends in Israel.

- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  John Blucker, Dave & Bertha Bontrager, Gary Large, Lew & Ruby Miller, Cyndi Murray, Richard Oswald, Richard Tribble, Brian (Teresa) Troyer, Merle Yeager and Betty Yoder.


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