
Thursday, May 23, 2024

Locust Grove bulletin for May 26, 2024 


May 26, 2024


Sunday School – 9:15 AM


Worship Gathering – 10:30 AM


Call to WorshipAdam Fellers

PraisePraise Team

PrayerMatthew Yoder

Sermon“What Is Truth?” -

   John 18:38 – Matthew Yoder

Praise Praise Team

         Benediction Matthew Yoder




Tuesday, May 28, 6 & 7:00 PM – Church League Softball, Diamond 1

Saturday, June 1, 9:00 AM-1:30 PM – 3 Story Experience

Sunday, June 2, 10:30 AM - Baptisms

Sunday, June 16, 10:30 AM – Dave Peterson to bring the message

Sunday, June 23, 10:30 AM – Garry & Ruth Denlinger

Sunday, June 23, Noon – Fellowship/Carry-In Meal



Offering & Attendance – 05/19/2024             Attendance – 168

General Fund - $1,625.00     Designations - $0

Online donations for April totaled $3,138.43.

Welcome to Locust Grove!  We’re glad to have you join us for our time of worship together.  If you haven’t already attended, we would love to have you also join us for Sunday school next Sunday.  Sunday school is an important step in making further connections with a smaller group of people.   Ask for help if you have any questions or need more information about our church.



Food donations during May will go to Salvation Army.

Locust Grove will be hosting the 3Story Experience on Saturday, June 1 from 9:00 AM to 1:30 PM.  This is a free event that looks to develop practical methods of sharing our faith and telling our story to others.  Snacks, drinks, and lunch will be provided.

We will be having a baptismal service on June 2.  If you are interested in being baptized, please talk to Pastor Matt.

Because of the baptism next Sunday, the congregational voting will be held on June 9.

The Women's Mission & Service project for May is baby bottles for Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline. Return the bottle to the mission counter in the fellowship hall at the end of this month or when full.

You are invited to a Graduation Party for Taner Patrick on Sunday, June 30 from 12-4:00 PM at Twin Gable Event Centre, Sturgis.

Job descriptions for Locust Grove church secretary are available from Bill Lederman.


Mowing – Week of May 26 – Lennis Troyer; Week of June 2 – Dennis Bontrager

Nursery May 26 – Tami Tyler & Nancy Dykstra; June 2 – Stefanie & Chloe Patrick


Birthday Greetings go to:  June 3 – Brian (Jessilyn) Troyer, Evan Litwiller; June 5 – Madelyn Oswald; June 8 – Ann Araujo

Anniversary Greetings go to: June 3 – Lew & Ruby Miller; June 7 – Darin & Rachel King


Youth Group (Middle & High School Youth) – June 2, 6-8:00 PM at the church; June 9, 6-8:00 PM at the church


Youth ConnectionsHOME Sports Events – Aaron Barrington – (Baseball at Albers Road Field, Bronson) May 30 @7:15pm; Heidi Barrington – (Softball double headers at 5:30 PM) May 27 @ Colon (Dallas Street)






- With our marriages and families

- With the family of Thavisith Mounsithiraj who passed away recently from negative reactions to the cancer drugs.  A memorial service is this evening at Nappanee Missionary Church.  Please keep all the family in your prayers.

- With Jeanne Osborn.  Her brother David Eash from Delaware passed away May 14 from a heart attack.  May God give Jeanne peace and comfort during this time.

- With the Sheshenia family from Ukraine – Vlad, Jane and daughters Valeriia, Margo & Sofiia.

- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry

- With Collin Keeslar.  His address is 151 Bogue Street, Lansing, MI  48823. 

- With our friends in Israel.

- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  John Blucker, Dave & Bertha Bontrager, Bill Kerschner, Gary Large, Lew & Ruby Miller, Cyndi Murray, Richard Oswald, Richard Tribble, Brian (Teresa) Troyer, Merle Yeager and Betty Yoder.

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