
Thursday, July 25, 2024

Locust Grove bulletin for July 28, 2024 


July 28, 2024


Sunday School – 9:15 AM


Worship Gathering – 10:30 AM


Call to WorshipConner Keeslar

PraiseDarin & Rachel King

Elder Lot – Matthew Yoder

Prayer – Matthew Yoder

Sermon – Matthew Yoder

   “Upside Down Kingdom” – Matthew 5:1-2; 7:24-29

Praise Darin & Rachel King

Benediction – Matthew Yoder





Tuesday, July 30, 6:30 PM – Pickleball at the church

Thursday, August 1, 5:15 PM – Praise Team practice



Offering & Attendance – 07/21/2024             Attendance – 102

General Fund - $2,645.00     Designations - $ 0



Food donations during July will go to the Salvation Army.

We will be playing pickle ball on Tuesday evenings at 6:30-???.   If you love to play or would like to learn, plan on coming out on Tuesdays!  We will begin this week, July 30, here at the church.  Any questions, please see Lennis & Nancy Troyer or Greg & Brenda Blucker.

The Women's Mission & Service project for July & August is school kits for Mennonite Central Committee. 

The Youth for Christ Benefit Online Auction will be August 19-24.  They can use big items such as vehicles, or high-quality items with a minimum value of $25.  Call 269-651-1669 for more details.

You can give to the "Loved First Ministry' to build a school in Uganda by making your designations to 'Loved First Ministry'. Questions can be directed to Phiona Jorgensen or Bill & Janell Lederman. A rendition of the project is available in the fellowship hall for your viewing.

A special offering will be received on August 18 for funds for the roofing project for our church building.

Sturgis Pregnancy Helpline is very appreciative of the contribution of $512 through the baby bottle campaign.

The next Red Cross Blood Drive will be September 9.


Mowing – Week of July 28 – Lennis Troyer; Week of August 4 – Dennis Bontrager


Nursery July 28 – Sheshenia family; August 4 – Tami Tyler & Nancy Dykstra


Birthday Greetings go to:  August 5 – Jeanne Osborn; August 7 – Dennis Bontrager; August 10 – Sharon Schrock

Anniversary Greetings go to: August 7 – Rich & Chris Oswald; August 8 – Greg & Cyndi Murray, Ralph & Tangi Kimble


Youth Group (Middle & High School Youth) – August 18, 6-8:00 PM – New year kick-off at Beeker’s Barn






- With our marriages and families

- With the Sheshenia family from Ukraine – Vlad, Jane and daughters Valeriia, Margo & Sofiia.

- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry

- With Bill & Janell Lederman.  Their address is 1204 S. Lakeview, Sturgis, MI  49091.   

- With our friends in Israel.

- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  John Blucker, Dave & Bertha Bontrager, Gary Large, Lew & Ruby Miller, Richard Oswald, Richard Tribble, Brian (Teresa) Troyer, Merle Yeager and Betty Yoder.

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