
Thursday, September 05, 2024

Locust Grove bulletin for September 8, 2024 


September 8, 2024


Sunday School – 9:15 AM


Worship Gathering – 10:30 AM


Call to WorshipJoel Troyer

PraisePraise Team

Prayer – Matthew Yoder

Sermon – Matthew Yoder

   “Divorce” – Matthew 5:31-32

Praise Praise Team

Benediction – Matthew Yoder




Monday, September 9 – Red Cross Blood Drive

Monday, September 9, 6:00 PM – Elder Team meeting

Tuesday, September 10, 6:30 PM – Pickleball at the church


Offering & Attendance – 09/01/2024             Attendance – 119

General Fund - $5,490.00     Designations - $2,010.00

Online giving for July totaled $1,550.03.



Food donations during September will go to the Salvation Army.

The Women's Mission & Service project for September is flat twin-size sheets for Mennonite Central Committee.  There will be no monthly WMS meeting in September. 

From the Kitchen Committee – All mugs in the cupboard above the small sink have been set out on the counter.  If you want to keep your mug for use on Sunday mornings, place it back in the cupboard.  All mugs left on the counter will be donated.

Volunteers are needed for the blood drive tomorrow, September 9. You can sign up on the church website or use one of the tablets at the welcome center. Click on "Next Steps" to sign up.

The Mennonite Relief Sale in Goshen, Indiana is September 27-28.  There is a brochure on the back bulletin board with more details.  If you have any items to donate, talk to Christine Oswald.


Mowing – Week of September 8 – Dennis Bontrager; Week of September 15 – Richard Hochstetler

Nursery September 8 – Gerri Schwartz & Lyza Oswald; September 15 – Rachel King & Isabella Yoder

Birthday Greetings go to:  September 18 – Ed Wickey; September 20 – Cecelia Franz; September 21 – Darin King

Anniversary Greetings go to: September 19 – Paul & Fran Eichorn; September 20 – Brent & Eva Beeker


Youth Group (Middle & High School Youth) – Today, September 8, 6-8:00 PM – Meet at the church; September 15, 5-6:30 PM – St. Joseph County Fair; September 22, 6-8:00 PM – Meet at the church; October 11-12 – Contact 24 – A free mini-Regen at Clinton Frame.  More details to come.




- With our marriages and families

- With the Sheshenia family from Ukraine – Vlad, Jane and daughters Valeriia, Margo & Sofiia.

- With the St. Joseph County Jail Ministry

- With Glendon & Danielle Miller and their boys EJ (18), Gavan (17), Reece (14) and Sam (8).  Their address is 66269 Robinson Road, Burr Oak, MI  49030.   

- With our friends in Israel.

- We seek God’s provision and care for these individuals:  John Blucker, Dave & Bertha Bontrager, Gary Large, Lew & Ruby Miller, Richard Oswald, Richard Tribble, Merle Yeager and Betty Yoder.


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